Другие названия:Skill Skoch by Likhach Elena Сфера деятельности: Производство и поставка
Регионы работы:Москва
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Elena Likhach (Skochskill project ) is a well-known pop art artist and an innovator of the Skochskill project . Since 2017, he has been creating paintings from adhesive tape, the main materials for creating masterpieces are: adhesive tape, electrical tape, packing tape.
The artist is originally from Kaliningrad, but develops her work in Moscow, where she received her higher education as a designer. Most often works with portraits in the style of realism and takes part in All-Russian and international exhibitions of contemporary art. Elena Alexandrovna is not a pioneer of this style, but over the years she discovers its facets that were not yet known to world artists.
The artist follows the belief that anyone can learn this craft if they make an effort and understand how materials transmit light by layering.
In addition to artistic activities, Elena Likhach is engaged in charity work and invests her income in helping the ecology of the whole world, which she considers her duty. Calls on people to think about nature first of all in order to live in harmony with the world and receive from it exactly as much as you invest on your own. In 2023, he plans to launch a global project in the artistic direction, but so far he is keeping its concept secret
Никнейм: Yura
(работал(-а) в компании и знает её изнутри) Дата начала работы:2023 Дата увольнения:2023
Количество просмотров:8
Положительные стороны
I saw the paintings of Elena Alexandrovna Likhach and I want to share my opinion in the comments. The finished masterpiece resembles a photograph in a quality called “sepia”, and surprisingly, there is no surrealism, everything is very realistic and recognizable. The creation process is generally entertaining, the tapes are glued to each other, cut out with a clerical knife and clear lines are obtained. What else will our creative artists come up with?))
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