Просмотры: 33 Описание деятельности:
We are a Ukrainian International Research Company, specializing in providing comprehensive marketing research services in the field of customer experience, using the latest technologies and conducting the whole process individually.
We aim to make Service in the World better!
We work with clients across the Globe, running 450 projects all over the world.
We help brands to grow and develop an exceptional service culture, combining it with our personal value system and understanding, that comes from Global experience, obsessive attention to details, outstanding creativity, efficient technology and perfect client-centric approach.
We work with B2B and B2C segments.
Our services are suitable for food retail, automotive, banks, clothes, fuel stations, IT, governmental, non-food retail spheres, etc.
Компания ориентирована на клиента с инициативными командами, полными инновационных идей.
Если у вас есть желание и страсть делать свою работу на отлично - вас ждет быстрый рост как материальный, так и карьерный!
Как и у всех компаний - бывает большое количество проектов в "горячий" бизнес период!
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